14 - 16 February 2025

Welcome to VIVA10 – Vienna Valentine 2025

The tenth edition of the Vienna Valentine will take place February 14 – 16, 2025. Overcoming barriers, creating tolerance and breaking records. Four competitions, two sports clubs. The masters swim meet of SC Diana/Kraulquappen Wien, the volleyball tournament hosted by SV Aufschlag Wien and new for the tenth anniversary: badminton and basketball, both organised by SV Aufschlag Wien, make VIVA10 Austria’s biggest international LGBTIQ+ sports weekend. Party included!

Registration for swimming is closed.

Stay tuned, we will shortly be sending out the provisional list of participants for final review.

Thank you for being part of a great weekend.

We will put the photos online here shortly. See you at VIVA11 from 12-14 February 2027.

Check out our programme and schedule for the VIVA10 weekend.


Freestyle: 50m, 200m, 4x50m relay
Backstroke: 50m, 100m
Breaststroke: 50m, 200m
Butterfly: 50m, 100m
Medley: 100m, 200m, 4x50m relay
NEW - Supporting Programme:
Freestyle: 50m, 200m, 4x50m relay
Breaststroke: 50m


There will be contests in three levels:
A/B, C and D.
Women are welcome in all teams.
The volleyball tournament is organised and run
by SV Aufschlag Wien.


The tournament will be offered as a doubles competition only.
All genders are welcome!
Levels: A/B+, B-, C+, C-
Find all details at

3x3 Basketball

One league for all skill levels.
All genders are welcome, we lay focus on providing a FLINTA* safe space!

VIVA 10 Packages (Swimming)

VIVA Athlete

  • swimming

VIVA Athlete plus

  • swimming
  • party
  • brunch

VIVA Supporter

  • access to the swim tournament
  • party
  • brunch

In addition to your VIVA packages we offer a dinner buffet on Saturday evening for and with the VIVA10 athletes and supporters. You can book the dinner for additional EUR 35,00. The price includes the food, drinks are on your own expense.